In honor of Mother's Day, I'm going to dedicate my blog to the best one ever...MY mom. I know everyone thinks their mom is the best, but I'm pretty persuasive, and I bet I could convince many non-believers, that she wins. (Even if they only agree just to shut me up.) Instead of just talking the talk...I'm gonna give you some examples and let you decide for yourself.
Example #1 - My 8th grade birthday party, where she was given the name Psycho Mom. (Sorry MOM!!!) Everyone was having dance parties, etc, so mom understood that mine had to be the coolest. We rented out an old Farmhouse, had a DJ, plenty of food and a ton of fun. The party I think was supposed to have like 50 guests or so, but word got out, and neighboring school people started showing up too. I think at one point there was over 100 kids there, with just a few parents to chaperone. I don't remember a lot of it (because the trauma has blocked it out) but what I do the music SCREECHING to a halt, my mother standing on a chair, and her threatening to "shut this party down" if we all didn't get ourselves under control. Not one of my mother's finest moments, but famous nonetheless. And one that showed how much she cared.
Let's move onto high school. I was involved in everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. And mom was there for all of it! Raising money for the dance team, helping prepare me for Indiana's Jr. Miss, and most of all making sure I always had the BEST costumes for all of my 10,000 plays. Now this was right after Dad died, so I was a 1st class jerk a lot of the time, but she didn't let that phase her. She loved me and wanted to show it!!
College is where we got really close. Kind of ironic since we now lived 15 hours apart from each other; but I guess as some people say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. No crazy stories here (that I can remember), apart from them moving to Florida the same day I moved into the dorms and forgetting to give me an address OR a phone number. (AND YES this really happened). But here is where I really started to figure myself out, and began to see all of the determination and hard work that my mom instilled in me flourishing.
Over the past year, I don't even know how to explain my relationship with my mom. Incredible, ultimate admiration, unconditional love, all of those come to mind, I mean...what other mother, would hop in a car, drive 16 hours in the middle of the night, and pick me up in Nashville, just to make sure I was happy and alright? What other mother let's her 29 year old daughter invade their house for 2 months, and seems genuinely happy about it? And what other mother, would raise money and everything else possible for someone who at one-time hurt her daughter all because she knows they are in need and it would really make me happy? My mother would do that. And I'm sure so many others would too...but I've got 1st hand experience with Yvonne Lamb, and I love it.
Where I am going with all of this, is to show just HOW much of a loving mother mine is. She would do anything and everything for me (and my brother) because we are her children. And she loves us. I've begun to notice all of the similarities between us, and the more I look for them, the more I see. Our pride in what we do for a living, our high-pitched laugh when we get nervous, our tendency to get REALLY stressed out when we can't figure out where we are driving, our loyalty to those we care about, and sooo many other things. One similarity I haven't gotten to see yet, (and I'm NOT ready to find out) is our parenting skills. (Sorry mom,,,no grandkids just yet). What I do that I sure hope they are the most similar of all. Psycho Mom included.
I love you Mom!!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Flooding update

Yesterday I was struggling to find the words to describe the flooding. Today I am just in awe. And devastated. And even if I could find the words...they wouldn't do it justice. So I've decided to use pictures instead. Hopefully these will do a better job of describing how we look and feel. The bottom photos are before and after photos of The Opryland Hotel. The several thousand guests staying there were quickly evacuated last night and are staying in nearby McGavoc High School. The hotel announced today it is no longer accepting future reservations and is closed indefinitely. The next is of 2nd Avenue. Or what once WAS Second Avenue. The Wildhorse Salon and all of those other businesses. Completely underwater. The parking garage in Vanderbilt Hospital and then another shot of downtown along with 2 people struggling to stay alive as water rushes around them.
These are just a few of the photos I have had the misfortune of seeing online and watching on the news. Early yesterday, before the Cumberland River crested. Roomie #1 and I drove downtown. Riverfront park was covered in water, but the streets we still passable. Now...that shot of downtown...covered in the same road we drove down just earlier yesterday. And the water is supposed to still rise for another day.
Those of you reading this, especially the ones who aren't able to see it firsthand. Please spread the word that we need help. Prayers, donations, support. Anything. Please contact Hands on Nashville or to find out what you can do. Mayor Karl Dean requests that all support go through this organization in order to work with FEMA and the National Government.
Or contact me directly. I run a clothing store and my employees and I are trying to figure out ways we can get/buy clothing for those who need it.
Once again...I'll keep you posted on the situation. Until then, never doubt the power of simple prayer.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Growing up alongside the Ohio River, I know a thing or two about floods. Once every few years, we'd be alerted that the the River was rising too fast, the city would help everyone get prepared, and close up the flood walls to make sure that as much as possible would be contained. Here in Nashville, we have no such walls. And we haven't needed them since the Cumberland River Flood of 1927. Well it's now 83 years later, and we NEED them because the Great Flood of 2010 has arrived! Many parts of the city are 18-20 inches underwater right now. And these are parts of the CITY!! Not just random rural areas. To get you all caought up, let's rewind about 36 hours...
In the wee hours of Saturday morning, it started raining. Then came then Thunderstorms. Then heavy winds. All the while, the rain never stopped. Not once. It's been the same story all the way until now. Just sheets and sheets of rain. Areas near all of the creeks flooded 1st. Then the unthinkable happened...yesterday afternoon, the INTERSTATE flooded. And by flooded, I mean floating cars, covered Semi-trucks and even a Portable school caught on a news cam rushing underwater down the interstate until it ultimately smashed into other floating cars and crumbled apart.
This all happened about 24 hours ago, and the rain still hasn't stopped. In the past day, our Mayor, then governor, and then finally President all declared Davidson County in a State of Emergency and then a Natural Disaster Area. I'm sitting here, trying to remember my news writing skills to describe the madness that is our city, and Waterlogged is the only thing I can think of. You know that feeling of just being "wet"??? Like if you're camping and your shoes get wet, or you forgot to close your car window all the way and it rained. That's the feeling of our city and it's residents. Just this incredible feeling of "wet" is still raining, so we are all worried about the Here and Now, but what many people haven't even begun to think about it the aftermath.... Powerlines are down everywhere. People are without power for miles. Grocery stores are flooded, and it was just reported that all local hardwear stores are out of both sand and the bags to hold the sand. I don't even want to know what our city's gonna look like on Tuesday when we can't get gas or food to put in a refrigerator bc there's no power to keep it cold. Yikes!!
Keep Nashville in your prayers. Those of you with flooding experience, send me your wisdom. And wish us luck!! I'll keep ya posted with some updates...
In the wee hours of Saturday morning, it started raining. Then came then Thunderstorms. Then heavy winds. All the while, the rain never stopped. Not once. It's been the same story all the way until now. Just sheets and sheets of rain. Areas near all of the creeks flooded 1st. Then the unthinkable happened...yesterday afternoon, the INTERSTATE flooded. And by flooded, I mean floating cars, covered Semi-trucks and even a Portable school caught on a news cam rushing underwater down the interstate until it ultimately smashed into other floating cars and crumbled apart.
This all happened about 24 hours ago, and the rain still hasn't stopped. In the past day, our Mayor, then governor, and then finally President all declared Davidson County in a State of Emergency and then a Natural Disaster Area. I'm sitting here, trying to remember my news writing skills to describe the madness that is our city, and Waterlogged is the only thing I can think of. You know that feeling of just being "wet"??? Like if you're camping and your shoes get wet, or you forgot to close your car window all the way and it rained. That's the feeling of our city and it's residents. Just this incredible feeling of "wet" is still raining, so we are all worried about the Here and Now, but what many people haven't even begun to think about it the aftermath.... Powerlines are down everywhere. People are without power for miles. Grocery stores are flooded, and it was just reported that all local hardwear stores are out of both sand and the bags to hold the sand. I don't even want to know what our city's gonna look like on Tuesday when we can't get gas or food to put in a refrigerator bc there's no power to keep it cold. Yikes!!
Keep Nashville in your prayers. Those of you with flooding experience, send me your wisdom. And wish us luck!! I'll keep ya posted with some updates...
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